Lara Mowery, head of global property speciality at Guy Carpenter, said property insurers were being squeezed as primary insurance rate increases were restricted by local regulators, and companies 'surpluses from previous years have shrunk. 佳达全球产险业务总监劳拉莫厄里(LaraMowery)表示,由于提高主保险费率受到地方监管机构的限制,以及企业过去几年的盈余已经缩减,财产保险公司正在承受压力。
The system of primary endowment insurance that the society integrates with individual account photograph as a whole is system of a kind of of the initiate on our country alive bound new-style primary endowment insurance. 社会统筹与个人帐户相结合的基本养老保险制度是我国在世界上首创的一种新型的基本养老保险制度。
Ask: remove or stop the off-duty workers that labor concerns and billabong staff, did not come true again obtain employment but oneself are willing to continue to attend primary endowment insurance should how does primary endowment insurance expend pay? 问:解除或终止劳动关系的下岗职工和分流人员,没有实现再就业但本人愿意继续参加基本养老保险的应如何缴纳基本养老保险费?
Average indexed monthly earnings ( AIME) are derived from the worker's history and determine the primary insurance amount ( PIA). 首先根据工人的收入历史来确定月均指数化收入,并确定基本保障额(PIA)。
This should belong to primary insurance concept: reinsurance is to point to an underwriter to perhaps be sure the part of primary accept insurance to make over another underwriter entirely. 这应该属于原保险概念:再保险是指一个保险人把原承保的部分或者全部保险转让给另一个保险人。
Enterprise annuity, it is to show enterprise and its worker are on the base that plays primary endowment insurance lawfully, the system of compensatory endowment insurance that builds of one's own accord. 企业年金,是指企业及其职工在依法参加基本养老保险的基础上,自愿建立的补充养老保险制度。
Do enterprise and worker attend primary endowment insurance what to right and obligation there are? 企业和职工参加基本养老保险有什么权利和义务?
Because primary endowment insurance is the legal insurance system that implements compulsively according to law, code, attending primary endowment insurance is every enterprise and worker due the right also is to answer do one's duty. 因为基本养老保险是依据法律、法规强制实行的法定保险制度,参加基本养老保险是每个企业和职工应有权利也是应尽义务。
How does the cost of primary endowment insurance during Army fill write down? 在部队期间的基本养老保险费如何补记?
Primary endowment insurance accomplishs centralized system, uniform standard, unified managing to mix unified regulate use fund. 基本养老保险做到统一制度、统一标准、统一治理和统一调剂使用基金。
Primary insurance is to point to general and applicable, the insurance system that acquires lowermost life safeguard what assure to carry out by national force when laborer encounters labor risk. 基本保险是指普遍适用的,由国家强制力保证实施的在劳动者碰到劳动风险时获得最低生活保障的保险制度。
Concept: primary insurance is the insurance that shows underwriter and policy-holder are reached at first. 概念:原保险是指保险人与投保人最初达成的保险。
Pay expenses fixed number of year is to show enterprise and worker individual press pay of formulary full specified amount jointly the accumulative total fixed number of year that primary endowment insurance expends. 缴费年限是指企业和职工个人共同按规定足额缴纳基本养老保险费的累计年限。
The first part is primary endowment insurance, the2nd part is enterprise complement endowment insurance, the3rd part is individual deposit sex endowment insurance. 第一部分是基本养老保险,第二部分是企业补充养老保险,第三部分是个人储蓄性养老保险。
During probation of the sentence that be sentenced, can continue to enjoy treatment of primary endowment insurance, but basic annuities is not made adjust. 被判徒刑缓刑期间,可以继续享受基本养老保险待遇,但基本养老金不作调整。
Point out the concern that repeats safe, primary insurance, reinsurance please? 请指出重复保险、原保险、再保险的关系?
Insurant the person is average this month salary under standard of minimum wage of on one year of this city worker, one year standard of minimum wage of this city worker regards above as the basis that primary endowment insurance expends pay. 被保险人本月人平均工资低于上一年本市职工最低工资标准,以上一年本市职工最低工资标准作为缴纳基本养老保险费的依据。
During the term of this Agreement, Party A shall undertake, renew and maintain for its benefits and interest, and at its own cost and expense, the following primary insurance policies. 在本协议期间,甲方应为自身利益自费购买、续买、保持下列主要保险。
Primary endowment insurance is a social insurance system that matters to interest of millions upon millions laborer, it is the main component of the social security system that gets used to requirement of socialist market economy. 基本养老保险是一项关系到亿万劳动者利益的社会保险制度,是适应社会主义市场经济要求的社会保障制度的重要组成部分。
Fund is unified adjust using is fund of primary endowment insurance is divided outside paying current and basic old-age pension, balance fund executes complete province to unite management and adjusted pattern. 基金统一调剂使用就是基本养老保险基金除支付当期基本养老金外,结余基金实行全省统一治理和调剂的方式。
Town business worker is basic of endowment insurance plan as a whole limits, namely primary endowment insurance carries out limits. 城镇企业职工基本养老保险的统筹范围,即基本养老保险实施范围。
Primary endowment insurance expends the 19% pay that the enterprise expends base the sum by all insurant capture. 企业按全部被保险人缴费基数之和的19%缴纳基本养老保险费。
After enterprise and worker sign labor contract, should deal with to orgnaization of agency of local society insurance lawfully attend formalities of primary endowment insurance. 企业与职工签订劳动合同后,应依法到当地社会保险经办机构办理参加基本养老保险手续。
Enterprise and worker answer by the regulation the cost of primary endowment insurance of pay does not get derate. 企业和职工按规定应缴纳的基本养老保险费不得减免。
Social insurance device establishs a lifelong and changeless individual account each to join the worker of primary endowment insurance. 社会保险机构为参加基本养老保险的职工每人建立一个终身不变的个人帐户。
Reinsurance is built on the foundation of primary insurance contract. 再保险是在原保险合同的基础上建立的。
The company that has joined commercial insurance or worker also must attend primary endowment insurance by the regulation. 已经参加商业保险的企业或职工也必须按规定参加基本的养老保险。
Inner careful management request of insurance company is more and more strict, primary insurance as underwriting, claim, actuary, and financial affairs give more request to reinsurance business. 同时保险公司内部的精细化管理要求越来越高,承保、理赔、精算和财务等业务环节都对再保险业务提出了较高的要求。
The insurance fraud not only exists in the primary insurance trading market, but also exists in the reinsurance trading market. 保险欺诈不仅存在于原保险交易市场中,而且也存在于再保险交易市场中。